Adding discard to luks formatted volumes on Ubuntu Cosmic

I use SSDs on my machines which are luks formatted, to enable TRIM/discard I had to add the discardd option to /etc/crypttab

crypt_nas UUID=887c0b7c-3ef1-499c-a36e-e1842bebf69a none luks,initramfs …

Unlocking multiple luks drives at boot using dropbear

I have two luks formatted partitions which need to be unlocked a boot. To aid in unlocking remotely I use dropbear-initramfs which allows running the cryptroot-unlock script over ssh. However …

Fixing docker login

When logging into docker I received the error:

GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files

After searching around …

Checking the ubuntu support status of a package

Ubuntu has a complicated support policy, to check what packages are supported run ubuntu-support-status if you're on Bionic then there is also hwe-support-status which checks the HWE stack status

Fixing mendeley libre office extension installation

I installed the Mendeley Citation Plugin for Libre Office, however all the icons were greyed out and enabling it via the extension manager resulted in this error: ImplementationRegistration::registerImplementation() - The …

Installing Debian 9 on existing LUKS/LVM drive

I have an existing Ubuntu installation paritioned like this:

sda1 ext4 /boot   
sda2 luks crypt
---- crypt pv for lvm with group root
---- ---- lvm root
---- ---- ---- root ext4 /
---- ---- ---- swap swap
---- ---- ---- home ext4 …

Genereating a random dictionary word on Linux

This is very easy to use using gnu core utils simply run

shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -1

Fixing ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: 'module' object has no attribute 'SSL_ST_INIT' after upgrading user install of ansible

I use pip install --user ansible and pip install --user --upgrade ansible to install and upgrade ansible. After doing so I have to run rm -r ~/.local/lib/python2.7 …

Updating/cleaning a Kodi video library via curl

Using the JSON RPC API you can update a kodi library using the following:

curl -v -d '{"method":"VideoLibrary.Scan", "id":"scan","jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H 'content-type:application/json' http …

Sending input to all tmux panes

If you need to enter the same input into two tmux panes (useful if running the same command on multiple servers) do the following:

ctrl-b : then enter setw synchronize-panes on …

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