Fixing AWS ECS execute-command TargetNotConnectedException when using Fargate

In the past week I've encountered an error when trying to run aws ecs execute-command on a Fargate container running platform 1.4.0.

This worked fine on containers created over a week ago but recent ones failed with:

An error occurred (TargetNotConnectedException) when calling the ExecuteCommand operation: The execute command failed due to an internal error. Try again later

Turns out there must be some sort of silent update, thankfully a helpful person [1] encountered the same thing back in November (no idea why it had worked fine for me until now).

Turns out if you have AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as environment variables in the task definition and these credentials don't have the permissions required for execute-command then the command fails in this mysterious way.

[1] GitHub