Articles in the Tips category

Improving spice performance over wan

When accessing a KVM virtual machine over WAN (the internet), I've noticed painfully slow performance.

It turns out that the default spice viewer when a machine is configured using virt-manager …

Improving Windows Docker performance inside KVM

Recently I've had to use Docker on Windows (note this is using Hyper-V not WSL since WSL has some odd bugs).

However this has been pretty slow, I'm using Debian …

Creating multi-domain ACM certificates using terraform

Creating multi-domain ACM certificates can be tricky with terraform, the examples only show creating a single domain and waiting for validation.

This example shows how it can be done, it …

Routing traffic through tinc

Tinc is a mesh VPN which creates secure connections between nodes allowing them to communicate through each other, it doesn't require a central server which is useful for ad-hoc networks …

Custom Grafana alert templates

The default Grafana alerts sent to slack look ugly and are difficult to grok quickly. The value is passed as a string containing the value and labels for example

Value …

Installing Debian 11 on existing LUKS/LVM drive

This is an update to by previous post for Debian 11.

If you want to install Debian on an existing luks encrypted device then the easiest way I've found is …

Installing Debian 9 on existing LUKS/LVM drive

I have an existing Ubuntu installation paritioned like this:

sda1 ext4 /boot   
sda2 luks crypt
---- crypt pv for lvm with group root
---- ---- lvm root
---- ---- ---- root ext4 /
---- ---- ---- swap swap
---- ---- ---- home ext4 …

Genereating a random dictionary word on Linux

This is very easy to use using gnu core utils simply run

shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -1

Updating/cleaning a Kodi video library via curl

Using the JSON RPC API you can update a kodi library using the following:

curl -v -d '{"method":"VideoLibrary.Scan", "id":"scan","jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H 'content-type:application/json' http …

Sending input to all tmux panes

If you need to enter the same input into two tmux panes (useful if running the same command on multiple servers) do the following:

ctrl-b : then enter setw synchronize-panes on …