Improving spice performance over wan
When accessing a KVM virtual machine over WAN (the internet), I've noticed painfully slow performance.
It turns out that the default spice viewer when a machine is configured using virt-manager …
When accessing a KVM virtual machine over WAN (the internet), I've noticed painfully slow performance.
It turns out that the default spice viewer when a machine is configured using virt-manager …
Recently I've had to use Docker on Windows (note this is using Hyper-V not WSL since WSL has some odd bugs).
However this has been pretty slow, I'm using Debian …
Creating multi-domain ACM certificates can be tricky with terraform, the examples only show creating a single domain and waiting for validation.
This example shows how it can be done, it …
Tinc is a mesh VPN which creates secure connections between nodes allowing them to communicate through each other, it doesn't require a central server which is useful for ad-hoc networks …
The default Grafana alerts sent to slack look ugly and are difficult to grok quickly. The value is passed as a string containing the value and labels for example
Value …
This is an update to by previous post for Debian 11.
If you want to install Debian on an existing luks encrypted device then the easiest way I've found is …
I have an existing Ubuntu installation paritioned like this:
sda1 ext4 /boot
sda2 luks crypt
---- crypt pv for lvm with group root
---- ---- lvm root
---- ---- ---- root ext4 /
---- ---- ---- swap swap
---- ---- ---- home ext4 …
This is very easy to use using gnu core utils simply run
shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -1
Using the JSON RPC API you can update a kodi library using the following:
curl -v -d '{"method":"VideoLibrary.Scan", "id":"scan","jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H 'content-type:application/json' http …
If you need to enter the same input into two tmux panes (useful if running the same command on multiple servers) do the following:
ctrl-b :
then enter setw synchronize-panes on …