x11vnc tips fixes and weirdness

I've encountered a few issues when using x11vnc to remotely connect to and existing runing X session.

Here they are and the fixes for them:

Server crashes with caught XIO …

Installing Debian 11 on existing LUKS/LVM drive

This is an update to by previous post for Debian 11.

If you want to install Debian on an existing luks encrypted device then the easiest way I've found is …

Unlocking multiple luks drives at boot using dropbear

I have two luks formatted partitions which need to be unlocked a boot. To aid in unlocking remotely I use dropbear-initramfs which allows running the cryptroot-unlock script over ssh. However …

Installing Debian 9 on existing LUKS/LVM drive

I have an existing Ubuntu installation paritioned like this:

sda1 ext4 /boot   
sda2 luks crypt
---- crypt pv for lvm with group root
---- ---- lvm root
---- ---- ---- root ext4 /
---- ---- ---- swap swap
---- ---- ---- home ext4 …